ASCS 32 Selected Proceedings (2011)

Refereed papers from the 32nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies

Edited by Anne Mackay


Editor's preface

These Selected Proceedings consist of papers originally presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS), convened by my colleague, Dr Jeremy Armstrong, and myself, and held in New Zealand at the University of Auckland, 24th-27th January 2011. ASCS is the professional body in Australasia for those engaged in study of the classical world, and its conference is the largest annual meeting in the region for the dissemination of new research in the many subsidiary fields.

ASCS 32 was exceptionally large, with over 180 registrants drawn from both hemispheres variously attending five parallel sessions in which were presented some 150 papers. A wider range of research areas than usual was represented: in addition to Greek and Roman history, philosophy and literature, there were several sessions on archaeology and material evidence, including Egyptology; there were particularly strong contingents of those involved in the fields of ancient philosophy and late antiquity, and also the classical  tradition. This broader representation of research expertise enabled a valuable measure of interdisciplinarity in many post-paper discussions. The Conference’s range of sub-disciplines is, as it has turned out (and not by design), well represented in these Selected Proceedings.

ASCS 32 confirmed the decision taken at ASCS 31 (Perth, Australia) to publish the selected proceedings of the conference on line. Speakers were accordingly invited to submit manuscripts, which were then subjected to independent and expert anonymous peer review: the papers presented here have all been selected as a result of this review process. I should like to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to those necessarily anonymous colleagues in several countries who have supported the endeavour by generously agreeing to serve as referee-readers.

Access to these refereed papers is free, but the copyright of all material remains with the individual authors unless otherwise indicated. While each paper is individually paginated and accompanied by its own list of references, it has been the editor’s intention to impose on the collection a homogeneity of presentation sufficient to warrant its being regarded as a single publication. Abbreviations are standard, where possible following the OCD3.

Papers should be cited as follows:

Author (2011). ‘Title’, in ASCS 32 Selected Proceedings, ed. Anne Mackay (

Anne Mackay
University of Auckland
New Zealand
June 2011



D.A. Alexander Marc Antony’s Assault of Publius Clodius: Fact or Ciceronian Fiction? abstract full text
J. Armstrong Power and Politics in Fifth Century BC Rome. The Censorship and Consular Tribunate in Context abstract full text
J. Barsby Classics At Otago 3: The Manton Period (1949-65) abstract full text
M. Bissett Visualising Festivals: Black-figure Depictions of the Delia abstract full text
D. Burton Hades: Cornucopiae, Fertility And Death abstract full text
M.W. Champion Aeneas of Gaza on the Soul abstract full text
R. Covino The Fifth Century, the Decemvirate, and the Quaestorship abstract full text
M. Davies Senecan Philosophy as Counter-ideology (Epistle 31) abstract full text
A. Dawson Seeing Dead People: A Study of the Cypselids abstract full text
R. Evans Learning to be Decadent: Roman Identity and the Luxuries of Others abstract full text
V. Gray Work in Progress on Xenophon’s Language abstract full text
L. Grech From Popery to Paganism: Oscar Wilde in Greece abstract full text
C.R. Hamilton ‘I Judge between two brothers, to their satisfaction’ – Biographies and the Legal System in the Old Kingdom abstract full text
P. Hannah Soldier and Sceptre-Bearer: a Question of Identification in Attic Vase Painting abstract full text
J. Hellum Pepi I: a Case Study of Royal Religious Devotion in the Old Kingdom abstract full text
V. Howan Three Fleets or Two? abstract full text
I. Kehrberg Roman Gerasa Seen From Below. An Alternative Study of Urban Landscape abstract full text
M. Leenen The Evolution of Roman Diplomatic Interaction with the Achaean League, 200-146 B.C.E abstract full text
B. Marshall ‘Where Have All the Leaders Gone?’ A Possible Reason for the Failure of the Sullan Senate. abstract full text
M. Masterson The Visibility of ‘Queer’ Desire in Eunapius’ Lives of the Philosophers abstract full text
P. Mountford Aeneas: An Etruscan Foundation Legend abstract full text
J. O’Maley Paradigm Introductions and Mytho-Historical Authority in the Iliad abstract full text
L. O’Sullivan Tyrannicides, Symposium and History: A Consideration of the Tyrannicide Law in Hyperides 2.3 abstract full text
S.R. Perris What Maketh the Messenger? Reportage in Greek Tragedy abstract full text
J. Ratcliffe Cornelius Celsus and the Treatment of Fistula in Ano: a Surprise and a Conundrum abstract full text
G. Salapata The More the Better? Votive Offerings in Sets abstract full text
K. Slaska-Sapala Paradise Lost and the Language of Epic Rebellion abstract full text
J. Stove ‘Gut-madness’: Gastrimargia in Plato and Beyond abstract full text
H. Tarrant A Six-Book Version of Plato’s Republic: Same Text Divided Differently, or Early Version? abstract full text
L. Wadeson Nabataean Tomb Complexes at Petra: New Insights in the Light of Recent Fieldwork abstract full text


All abstracts (PDF)

The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal


ASCS 32 photo gallery now available.


ASCS 33 will be held in Melbourne in February 2012. The deadline for offers of papers is 30th September 2011