ASCS - The Australasian Society for Classical Studies  

Publications by Australasian Classics and Ancient History Scholars

These list include publications by researchers at universities in Australia and New Zealand (including academic staff, honoraries, and postgraduates, both ASCS members and non-members). From 2023, the list also includes a section for ASCS members who are independent scholars. The list for each year is compiled alongside the first issue of the newsletter for the following year based on information provided by the ASCS University Representatives or by independent scholars. This is seen as a valuable way to advertise the research productivity of classicists and ancient historians in our part of the world. Please note, however, that these lists do not claim to be comprehensive and are dependent on information supplied to the Publications Manager.


Current List of Publications

Publications 2023


Previous Publications Lists

Publications 2022

Publications 2021

Publications 2020

Publications 2019

Publications 2018

Publications 2017

Publications 2016

Publications 2015

Publications 2014

Publications 2013

Publications 2012

Publications 2011

Publications 2010



The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal