ASCS - The Australasian Society for Classical Studies  

ASCS 33 - First call for offers of papers

ASCS 33 is to be held in the Hellenic Museum in Melbourne, hosted by the Classical Studies Program of MonashU; the conference convenor is Dr Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides; and the tenative dates for the conference are from Sunday 4th to Thursday 9th February 2012. This is the first call for offers of papers.

If you are thinking of offering a paper, there are a number of changes which have been introduced for this conference, and you are asked to note them carefully:

The deadline for the offer of papers is Friday 30th September; any offers which come in after that date will unfortunately have to be rejected. Only one offer will be accepted from any one person. It has been a requirement for many years now that a person offering a paper must be an ASCS member; if you are not a member and wish to join in order to attend ASCS 33 and offer a paper, you can find a membership application form on the ASCS website (, under "membership"). Postgraduate students who wish to offer a paper are asked to indicate what degree they are enrolled for, what year of candidature they have reached and the name of their supervisor(s). Postgraduates in the first year of their candidature should consider presenting initially at a postgraduate conference like Amphora.

Offers of papers should be accompanied by an abstract of 200-300 words; the maximum number of words will be insisted on (in order to keep the conference booklet to a manageable length), and any abstracts in excess of it may be returned to the person making the offer to be reworded to fit the maximum; delays in conforming to this limit could lead to the rejection of the offer. An alternative to offering a paper, particularly for postgraduate students, is a "poster presentation", and we would be interested in hearing from anyone who would like to present using this format.

Offers of papers and abstracts, or of poster presentations, or interest in offering a paper, should be sent in the first instance (in electronic format, e.g. an email) to the ASCS Secretary, Bruce Marshall ( Further enquiries can be made at this stage of the conference convenor, Dr Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides ( or the ASCS Secretary.

The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal