ASCS - The Australasian Society for Classical Studies  


About ASCS

The Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) aims at the advancement of the study of ancient Greece and Rome and related fields. Membership is open to all present and past researchers, teachers and students of the languages, literature, history, reception, thought and archaeology of the ancient world, and other interested persons (student and concessional rates available). ASCS holds an annual conference and publishes Antichthon, a journal of ancient world studies, included with membership subscription.

It is important to ASCS that every member feels they are welcomed, valued and that they belong in the association. We know that inclusion is shaped by multiple perspectives, where everyone is listened to and knows their views will be heard. We encourage initiatives that support diversity within the association itself and ancient world studies more broadly, including diversity in culture, language, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, socio-economic status, and religion. ASCS seeks to ensure that every member of the Society and that all participants in Society activities are treated with dignity and respect, and there will be no tolerance for discrimination in any of its forms.

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Fifty Treasures – ASCS 50th Anniversary Volume

Click here for further information or to order online

ASCS on Social Media

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PD for Teachers

The Australasian Society for Classical Studies is an endorsed provider of NESA Registered Professional Development.

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News and Events


The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal