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ASCS 42 Conference

Registration Information

Cost of Registration

(Prices are in Australian Dollars and include GST where applicable)

$55: Employed full-time Member of ASCS (for 2021) OR presenter not resident in Australia or New Zealand OR Nominated Panel Presenter

$66: Employed full-time Non-member of ASCS (for 2021)

$22: Employed part-time OR Retired (Concession)

$20: Student OR Unwaged

$22: Plenary Sessions only

Registration for the full conference includes:

ASCS Conference: Monday 8 February – Thursday 11 February 2021 (held via Zoom)

The Australian Academy of the Humanities A.D. Trendall Lecture: Dr Estelle Lazer

ASCS Keynote Lecture: Dr Rosa Andújar

Professional Workshop for Postgraduate Students

Conference Materials

Registration for the plenary sessions includes access to:

The Australian Academy of the Humanities A.D. Trendall Lecture: Dr Estelle Lazer (8 February 2021)

ASCS Keynote Lecture: Dr Rosa Andújar (9 February 2021)

Teach broader, teach better: increasing student access to ancient languages (11 February 2021)

Any income collected but not needed for ASCS 42 will be used to subsidise the travel and registration costs of student and low-income presenters for ASCS 43 at the University of Tasmania (Hobart) in 2022.

Please note that you must be a financial member of ASCS for 2021 if you are presenting a paper UNLESS (a) you do not reside in Australia or New Zealand or (b) you are a Nominated Panel Presenter. Nominated Panel Presenters are invited members of Nominated Panels (AWAWS, Plenary Panel on Language Pedagogy) who (a) are secondary teachers or (b) research in areas other than Classical or Ancient Near Eastern Studies.

If you need to renew your membership or join the Society you can do so via the ASCS website.

If you would like to check your membership status, please contact the Membership Secretary Dr Phoebe Garrett at

You do not have to be a member of ASCS to register for the conference.

Before you register, you must agree to abide by the ASCS Code of Conduct, the University of Sydney ICT Policy and the terms of Zoom Etiquette for the ASCS 42 Online Conference.


Registration and payment

Please follow the link below to register and pay for ASCS 42:

Online registration and payment

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