ASCS 33 Selected Proceedings (2012)

Refereed papers from the 33rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies

Edited by Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides

Following the ASCS tradition to publish a limited number of papers presented at the annual conference on the society’s website, we are pleased to announce that the papers from ASCS 33 (2012) are now available.

Refereeing Details

All abstracts were subject to a thorough blind peer review process for acceptance in the conference, and all papers published have been subject to double peer review involving independent external assessment, and substantive commentary on content. As a result, not all submissions were approved for publication (rejection rate, 14.8 %). This procedure was designed to satisfy the conditions required by the Australian Government’s Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) for the recognition of the papers in the Proceedings as Category E, Conference Publications: E1 – Full Written Paper – Refereed.

The conference convenor and editor of the Proceedings wishes to thank the following colleagues for their contributions to the refereeing process:

Prof Mark Allon (Sydney University)
Prof William Dominik (University of Otago)
Prof Colin Hope (Monash University)
Prof Elizabeth Minchin (Australian National University)
Dr Arlene Allan (University of Otago)
Dr Gillian Bowen (Monash University)
Dr Paul Burton (Australian National University)
Dr K.O. Chong-Gossard (University of Melbourne)


E. Anagnostou-Laoutides Zeus and Apollo in the Religious Program of Seleucus Nicator and Antiochus I abstract full text
F. Billot Representing Zama to create an iconic event abstract full text
M. Bissett Abduction or performance? A re-interpretation of scenes depicting satyrs carrying maenads in black-figure vase-painting abstract full text
R. Covino The leges Scipionis of Cic.Verr.II.ii.123-4—Whose are they? abstract full text
A. A. Di Castro Hestia, a Tabula Iliaca and Poseidon’s trident: Symbols’ adaptations of some Bactrian and Gandharan divinities abstract full text
B. Marshall ‘Riders in the Chariot’: Children Accompanying their Fathers in Roman Triumphs abstract full text
G. Morrison Romans, the Night and Martial abstract full text
P. O'Sullivan and A. Wong Odysseus the Athenian: Antisthenes, Thucydides, and an Homeric Hero in an Intellectual Age abstract full text
T. Stevenson Milo of Croton: heptaki[s]? abstract full text
S. Thorpe Social aspects in ancient Egyptian letters from the Old Kingdom to the Late Ramesside period abstract full text
C. Tully The Sacred Life of Trees: What trees say about people in the prehistoric Aegean and Near East abstract full text
P. Watson Reality, Paradox and Storytelling in Aulus Gellius’ Narrative of Androcles and the Lion abstract full text


All abstracts

The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal


ASCS 34 (2013)

Deadline for offers of papers extended.