ASCS 31 [2010] Proceedings

Refereed papers from the 31st conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies

Edited by Neil O’Sullivan


Editor’s preface

These papers were originally presented at the 31st conference of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies, convened by my colleague, Dr Lara O'Sullivan, and held in Perth at the University of Western Australia, 2-5 February 2010. ASCS is the peak body in Australasia for the professional study of the classical world, and its conference is the largest annual meeting in the region for the dissemination of new research in this very international field. The Discipline Group of Classics and Ancient History at UWA wishes to acknowledge the generous contribution of the UWA Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alan Robson, in support of this event.

As the programme shows, ASCS 31 featured 80 papers. This year, for the first time, a plan was formulated to publish its papers and so make their findings available to a much wider audience. Speakers were invited to submit their work, which was then subjected to independent and expert anonymous peer review. The papers presented here have all passed this review process and been recommended for publication. I take this opportunity to thank once more the referees for the generous donation of their time and expertise.

Access to these refereed papers is free, but the copyright of all material remains with the individual authors unless otherwise indicated.

Please cite papers in the following way:

Author, ‘Title’, in ASCS 31 [2010] Proceedings:

Each paper is individually paginated.

Neil O’Sullivan
University of Western Australia
July 2010



M. Beasley A philosophical Gigantomachy in the Metamorphoses abstract full text
F. Billot Hannibal, elephants and turrets abstract full text
D. Blyth Philosophy in the late Latin West abstract full text
D. Burton The role of Zeus Meilichios in Argos abstract full text
M.W. Champion Creation from Gaza abstract full text
J. Davidson Prometheus Bound in Christchurch 2009 abstract full text
S. Ford Spatial context of Odyssey 5.452 to 6.317 abstract full text
S. Gador-Whyte Emotional preaching: ekphrasis in the Kontakia of Romanos abstract full text
P. Garrett Character inheritance in Suetonius' Caligula and Nero abstract full text
M. Gillett The 'Etruscan League' reconsidered abstract full text
K.M. Heineman The chasm at Delphi: a modern perspective abstract full text
D. James Art of gold: precious metals and Chariton's Callirhoe abstract full text
P. Jarvis The politics of fraud: a Seruilius Casca in Livy abstract full text
P. Johnson Fabius, Marcellus and Otacilius - the alliance that never was abstract full text
D. Keenan-Jones The Aqua Augusta and control of water resources in the Bay of Naples abstract full text
B. Leadbetter Galerius, Gamzigrad and the politics of abdication abstract full text
J. Maitland Homer and the Aiakid cousins: kinship celebrated or overlooked in the Iliad abstract full text
B. Marshall 'With friends like this, who needs enemies?' Pompeius' abandonment of his friends and supporters abstract full text
S. Midford From Achilles to Anzac: Heroism in the Dardanelles from antiquity to the Great War abstract full text
G. Miles 'I, Porphyry': narrator and reader in the Vita Plotini abstract full text
P. O'Sullivan Use your illusion: 'Critias' on religion reconsidered abstract full text
K.J. O'Toole The Demosthenic basileus: a phantom in the Ath. Pol.? abstract full text
D.J. Phillips Thucydides 1.99: tribute and revolts in the Athenian empire abstract full text
D. Pritchard War, democracy and culture in classical Athens abstract full text
R. Sing Jury pay and Aristophanes abstract full text
H. Tarrant The Theaetetus as a narrative dialogue? abstract full text
W.J. Tatum Tyche in Plutarch's Aemilius Paulus - Timoleon abstract full text
J. Wallis (Un)elegiac characterisation in Propertius 3.12 abstract full text
K. Welch Pietas, Pompeiani and Cicero's Thirteenth Philippic abstract full text


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