ASCS - The Australasian Society for Classical Studies  

Guidelines for Archaeological Reports at ASCS Conferences

  1. Any financial member of ASCS may submit an abstract for an archaeological report to be presented at an ASCS meeting.
  2. Members must signal their intention to present an archaeological report by submitting a completed abstract coversheet and an abstract of 150-250 words that summarizes the fieldwork to be undertaken and, if possible, the anticipated results.
  3. Reports may be 10-20 minutes maximum in order to fit into the de facto scheduling of ASCS meetings.
  4. Abstracts must conform to the Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts and must be anonymously reviewed (insofar as this is possible) by at least one member of the Conference Review Panel. The abstracts for archaeological reports should be submitted by the deadline stipulated in the Call For Papers (31 July), but the final version of the abstract will be accepted up until 30 September.


The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal