ASCS - The Australasian Society for Classical Studies  

Associations of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology in Australia and New Zealand


The Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies (ACANS) was established in 1999, as the result of an important endowment from Dr W.L. and Mrs J. Gale. It has a purpose-built space (close to the Museum of Ancient Cultures) within the Division of the Humanities at Macquarie University, where it houses the important Gale and Westmoreland Collections, as well as other ancient coins. The current Director is Dr Kenneth Sheedy. Each year ACANS appoints one senior research fellow and two junior fellows, and also appoints the annual Gale Distinguished Lecturer in Numismatics. ACANS is planning to collect information on other ancient coin collections, both public and private, throughout Australia and to publish catalogues of them. It is also planning a series of e-exhibitions.

Right: Gold Coin of Hadrian from the Gale collection



The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens is housed at CCANESA in the University of Sydney.


Australian Institute of Archaeology

The Australian Institute of Archaeology (AIA) was founded in 1946 as an organisation to facilitate and monitor the scientific study of the Biblical period. To assist in this process the Institute has developed a significant archaeological library and a noteworthy museum collection comprising Near Eastern artefacts, which are now housed at the Bundoora (Melbourne) campus of La Trobe University.


Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies (AWAWS)

Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies is an organisation that provides a medium for scholars in any area of ancient world studies. We aim, through professional networks, to meet and interact about our research and teaching experiences and how these are affected by gender. We facilitate research collaborations involving our members. We are interested in a wide range of professional issues with a specific interest in the particular traditions and requirements of our disciplines.
      We advocate for issues of importance to our members. In the future, we will provide a range of scholarships and grants aimed at assisting members with research-associated expenses.
      One of the most important aims of the society is to recognise the achievements of many pioneering women by preserving and disseminating the history of these women.
      For more information, please contact socawaws [at]



The Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia (CCANESA) is an exciting new collaborative venture at the University of Sydney. The Centre, opened in 2010, co-locates the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA), research interests and projects from both the Department of Archaeology and the Department of Classics and Ancient History, the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation (NEAF), as well as the publisher of Mediterranean Archaeology. The Centre also houses the significant library and archival holdings of all the above bodies.


ClassicsAustralasia Discussion List

An electronic discussion list modelled on the UK ‘Classicists’ mailing list. The list can be used to distribute notices of conferences, events, seminars, job vacancies, etc. and for other classics-related discussion. The list is provided by the Kudos Foundation but is not Kudos-specific. Membership is open to all and members can subscribe or unsubscribe online at any time.


The Classical Association of Auckland


The Classical Association of Christchurch


The Classical Association of Otago


The Classical Association of Victoria


The Classical Association of Wellington


Classics New South Wales

Home page of the Classical Association of New South Wales (CANSW), the Classical Languages Teachers’ Association (CLTA), Classicum (Journal of CANSW and CLTA), and the Sydney Latin Summer School (SLSS).


Friends of Antiquity

The Friends of Antiquity is a Special Interest Group of Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc. which operates in support and with the imprimatur of the University's Division of Classics and Ancient History and its Antiquities Museum. Friends of Antiquity aim to provide an informal social environment in which all lovers of history, art and literature of the ancient world can gather to share their enjoyment of antiquity with like-minded enthusiasts. Friends of Antiquity welcomes people from all walks of life, from within and outside The University of Queensland community, to join the organisation and take part in the many public lectures, presentations, exhibitions, courses and social functions held throughout the year.


Homer Seminar

This biennial seminar held at the Australian National University aims to give scholars interested in the epic tradition in the ancient Greek and Roman world - especially (but not only) postgraduates and early-career researchers - an opportunity to test out ideas, methodologies, and findings in a supportive environment, and to maximise the possibility of constructive feedback. The focus of the seminar is the epic tradition in the ancient world as well as the ways in which the post-classical tradition adopted or adapted this genre.


The Kudos Foundation

The Kudos Foundation grew out of an initiative of the late Professor Kevin Lee. The Foundation’s aims are to raise money for the teaching in Australia of Ancient Greek and Latin; to support and encourage research and scholarship in Australia in all aspects of classical studies; and to maintain in individual places of learning in Australia established traditions of excellence in classical studies. Kudos has supported successful collaborative projects at several Australian universities including, recently, the Kevin Lee Fellowship at the University of Sydney. It is is run by a voluntary group of scholars and professionals and has Deductible Gift Recipient status, meaning donations are tax-deductible.


Macquarie Ancient History Association

Based at Macquarie University, MAHA is an association for former and present students of Ancient History there and for schoolteachers of Ancient History particularly in New South Wales. It aims at the promotion of Ancient History in schools and the community.


Macquarie Ancient Languages Schools



The New Zealand Association of Classical Teachers supports the work of teachers of Classical Studies and Latin in New Zealand schools.

The ASCS Journal
Antichthon Journal